Saturday, August 28, 2010

Blog Assignment #1

Hi, everyone.  My name is Kathryn Buchanan, and I was born and raised in Mobile, AL.  I am now a junior at the University of South Alabama and am an elementary education major.  I am just starting out with my education classes.  I used to attend Auburn University but transferred here in the spring of 2009.   My personal interests include singing, reading, watching movies, and hanging out with my friends and family.  I am involved in the Chorale and new Show Choir at South Alabama and hope to become a vocal performance minor in the upcoming Spring semester.

My father owns a lumber company called Buchanan Lumber of Mobile that is located in downtown Mobile.  My mother is a stay at home mom, and my brother, Dickson, just recently graduated with a business degree from Birmingham-Southern College.  I am most passionate about singing.  I have been doing it my whole life and love it more than anything.  I plan to try to incorporate it into my classroom.  I want to enter the field of education because I believe it is hugely important, and I have a strong desire to help others in the learning process.  I'm so excited to be able to continue to get to know you all!


  1. I think you could start an Auburn alumni club in EDM310 this term. Your are the fourth I have encountered in my first 50 comments!

  2. Ok first of all your middle name is Hayes which is awesome because that's my last name and I want to name atleast one of my kids Hayes when I have them! I'm a junior too here at South but not really...I'm almost a junior.
    That's cool you love singing so much. My brother graduated from Alabama last year and he recently quit his job because he wants to sing. We're (me and my parents) not too sure about his decision, but when your passionate about something I guess you just have to go for it! Well I hope to learn more about you, we seem to have a lot in common!
